A roving compendium of ecocentric energy options, including advances in solar and wind power, hybrid vehicles, and other thoughtful, balanced approaches to renewable energy.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Time to Get Serious About Climate Change
Quasi-scientists and pseudo-scientists (aka oil industry flacks) have industriously worked to deflect the judgment and knowledge of genuine scientists and climatologists, often elbowing their way into the media and purporting to offer an alternative view to the 98 percent of the scientific community that recognizes human-induced climate change is real and threatening the survival of many different species (including the short-sighted creatures causing the problem). Lately, however, the media seems to be shining a light on more responsible viewpoints, as this article from the San Francisco Chronicle illustrates; Time to Get Serious About Climate Change.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Behind The Blackouts
Blackouts being experienced once again across America, resulting in deaths and disruption as heat waves sizzle from New York to St. Louis to California, are a distinct byproduct of electric power deregulation, Tyson Slocum argues in this article, Behind The Blackouts, published on TomPaine.com.
The best cure for the disease: locally controlled power systems...
The best cure for the disease: locally controlled power systems...
Friday, July 28, 2006
European Heat Wave Shows Limits of Nuclear Energy
The nuclear power plants that are supposed to save us from the effects of global warming have one small problem: they don't work very well when it gets warm. France, heavily reliant on nuclear power, was forced to shut down many plants during the recent heat wave in Europe as drought-impacted rivers couldn't supply the volume of cooling water needed to keep the plants operating safely. If you can't see the irony here, you should spend some more time listening to the nuclear power boosters, who still haven't strayed that far from their original cheerleading slogans and their promises of "power too cheap to meter." For the full story: European Heat Wave Shows Limits of Nuclear Energy.
No More Oil Wars; Clean Energy Now!
Prevaricators and rationalizers of every stripe snort at the notion that there could be any relationship between our oil gluttony and the spiraling cycle of warfare in the Middle East, but, for those willing to take a hard look, the evidence is abundant. Spreading democracy is a convenient banner for ensuring control of the known oil reserves--60 percent of the world's total--buried in the Middle East.
Ted Glick, in a special for Truthout, builds a compelling case around the link between the bottomless quest for oil and the endless cycle of war in the Middle East: No More Oil Wars; Clean Energy Now!.
Ted Glick, in a special for Truthout, builds a compelling case around the link between the bottomless quest for oil and the endless cycle of war in the Middle East: No More Oil Wars; Clean Energy Now!.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wildfires are raging -- why isn't concern about climate change?
One more harbinger of the ultimate impact of global warming on the planet: uncontrolled wildfires increasing in prevalence and intensity, as discussed in this article from Grist:
Wildfires are raging -- why isn't concern about climate change? |
By Maywa Montenegro |
Grist Magazine | Soapbox | 25 Jul 2006
Wildfires are raging -- why isn't concern about climate change? |
By Maywa Montenegro |
Grist Magazine | Soapbox | 25 Jul 2006
More Weird Weather
The recent heat wave throughout California was distinctive not because of record-breaking temperatures, but because of duration of high temperatures over an extended period, as discussed in this San Francisco Chronicle article, THAT WAS THE WAVE THAT WAS / Bay Area's string of hot days is longest on record -- odd weather patterns blamed.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Cooling the Mall, Heating the Planet
For 99 percent of the span of human history, people managed to get by without air conditioning. The fact that we no longer seem to be able to function without air conditioning in our homes, businesses, and autos adds one more factor to the energy consumption equation and also contributes significantly to global warming. Stan Cox of the Land Institute makes the case in this article, Cooling the Mall, Heating the Planet.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
NASA Goals Delete Mention of Home Planet
Now what might compel this (odd and twisted) administration to remove mention of protecting the home planet from the NASA mission statement? Perhaps a fear of putting too much focus on the issue of global warming, as implied by this New York Times article.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
EUROPE: Global Warming, Not Just Heat Wave
Another summer, another slate of record-breaking temperatures across Europe as more meteorologists and climate scientists weigh in on the numerous indicators pointing to global warming. In this Inter Press Service News Agency article, EUROPE: Global Warming, Not Just Heat Wave, Hervé Le Treut, meteorologist at the French Centre for Scientific Research, stated, "We are observing and suffering the first effects of global warming."
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
New temperature record in Britain
Great Britain has the longest continuous set of temperature records anywhere in the world. None of those temperatures come near those seen in the last few years, a point noted by the two writers of this article in The Independent. And today is predicted to break all records. Of course, global warming is just an invention of liberal doomsayers.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Innovative Autos Hit the Road
With dinosaur SUVs still rumbling en masse across the roads of America, on the fringes of the mainstream automotive world innovative new vehicle designs are beginning to appear, many of them from smaller firms willing to deviate from the cast-in-iron model that still dominates much of the world. Alternative fuel vehicles, hybrids, tri-brids, urban autos, and other eye-catching form factors are gaining the attention of investors as oil prices top $75 a barrel. In this reprint posted by Obvio, a Brazilian company with some remarkable auto designs, the investment possibilities and future of transportation are considered: Traveling the Highway to a Renewable Energy Future.
Monday, July 17, 2006
More Atomic Bomb Balm From the New York Times
Harvey Wasserman, author of several books on renewable energy, knows his way around the slippery arguments of the pro-nuclear power crowd. So, when presented with the usual misleading and unsupportable line of reasoning in a piece in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, his instinctive response was to dice the article to shreds, point by point, in a strong critique, More Atomic Bomb Balm From the New York Times, As Wasserman points out, referring to a draft report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, nuclear power is clearly a boondoggle:
"To begin with, this very long article fails to mention that the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has issued a draft report showing that between 99% and 124% of the nation's electricity can be supplied by renewable means by the year 2020. Since nuclear power supplies only electricity, this simple fact makes complete mincemeat of any pretext for bringing it back. If we can get the juice cheaper, safer, cleaner and more quickly from nature, why build sitting ducks for terrorists that have only 50 years of failure to show for a trillion dollars invested?"
Why, indeed?
"To begin with, this very long article fails to mention that the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has issued a draft report showing that between 99% and 124% of the nation's electricity can be supplied by renewable means by the year 2020. Since nuclear power supplies only electricity, this simple fact makes complete mincemeat of any pretext for bringing it back. If we can get the juice cheaper, safer, cleaner and more quickly from nature, why build sitting ducks for terrorists that have only 50 years of failure to show for a trillion dollars invested?"
Why, indeed?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Why Nuclear Power Cannot Be A Major Energy Source
The growing chorus of nuclear power advocates, energized by what they see as an opportunity to revive a dead industry, have become more vociferous as of late, claiming that building a new generation of nuclear power plants is the only effective way to contend with global warming and oil depletion. Masquerading as environmentally concerned, scientifically grounded rationalists condescendingly setting the romanaticists of the environmental movement straight, flacks such as Stewart Brand, Patrick Moore, and james Lovelock, have become enthusiastic boosters for the technology, casting it as our only hope for the future. However, if you look at nuclear power at a system theory level, from one end of the fuel cycle to the other, the vision can be seen as fatally flawed. In this piece, Why Nuclear Power Cannot Be A Major Energy Source, David Fleming explains why nuclear power is not a "clean" fuel, not a viable option for the future, and not the only choice in town.
The opening to the article, published on the site of FEASTA--The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability--does a great job in framing the argument:
"It takes a lot of fossil energy to mine uranium, and then to extract and prepare the right isotope for use in a nuclear reactor. It takes even more fossil energy to build the reactor, and, when its life is over, to decommission it and look after its radioactive waste."
"As a result, with current technology, there is only a limited amount of uranium ore in the world that is rich enough to allow more energy to be produced by the whole nuclear process than the process itself consumes. This amount of ore might be enough to supply the world's total current electricity demand for about six years."
Read this article. Pass it on to friends. We only have a few years to start making smart energy choices and adopting a sane approach to our patterns of energy consumption as they affect global climate change. Nuclear power is a dead-end choice wiith the emphasis on "dead."
The opening to the article, published on the site of FEASTA--The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability--does a great job in framing the argument:
"It takes a lot of fossil energy to mine uranium, and then to extract and prepare the right isotope for use in a nuclear reactor. It takes even more fossil energy to build the reactor, and, when its life is over, to decommission it and look after its radioactive waste."
"As a result, with current technology, there is only a limited amount of uranium ore in the world that is rich enough to allow more energy to be produced by the whole nuclear process than the process itself consumes. This amount of ore might be enough to supply the world's total current electricity demand for about six years."
Read this article. Pass it on to friends. We only have a few years to start making smart energy choices and adopting a sane approach to our patterns of energy consumption as they affect global climate change. Nuclear power is a dead-end choice wiith the emphasis on "dead."
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